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Sometimes one must let one's life flow like water finding its way.

Sometimes one may lie in a bed of luxury

Sometimes one has to become what time demands of one.

Sometimes it is a gourmet's feast laid out.

Sometimes stale breadcrumbs for sheer survival.

Sometimes one travels in a comfortable vehicle.

Sometimes one goes barefoot all the way.

Sometimes one gets to wear the choicest garments.

Sometimes one has to wear tattered clothes.

Sometimes one has all the wealth in the world.

Sometimes one has to brave dire straits.

Sometimes one has to suffer the company of villains.

Says Tuka, know it well

Joys and sorrows must be equal on one's scale.

-Tukaram, Translated from Marathi by Dilip Chitre

Pilgrim’s India reaches back many hundreds of years and brings to us an astonishing picture of a land linked not by the power of kings and governments, but by the footsteps of pilgrims. Walking is a movement deemed necessary by people since primal times. People here walk on any pretext. There is no day in the Indian Calendar when a pilgrim is not walking the Earth.

Video: Rajula Text: from Sacred Geography, Diana Ecke

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